The sweet tea is mostly consumed by the US people which can be prepared very easily and it takes only less time to prepare the tea and it can be made with various flavors such as raspberry or lemon or mint and the sweet tea is used as the syrup which helps in reducing the acidity. The sweet ice tea is one of the healthy teas and it helps to maintain a healthy life by stopping smoking, consuming alcohol in limit and helps to maintain the diet. The sweet tea recipe contains necessary vitamins and minerals which is good for the health and it acts as the antioxidants which is good for the health and it helps to prevent the cancer and reduce the cholesterol also it controls the sugar level in the body. The sweet ice tea is more effective than unsweetened tea and it is safer than baking soda and the ice tea is more natural and it gives relief from stress. The ice tea helps in combat against poor breathing because it acts as the antibiotic agent in the tea, if you choose the ice tea which is natural then it is rewarded in the dark colored tea. The ice contains some oxidants which help in the increase of the renal system of gems so if you use the excess of renal systems then it doesn’t have the capacity to break the oxidant.
How to prepare the sweet tea recipe
The sweet iced tea recipe can be made by simple procedure using certain ingredients and the preparing time of the sweet tea is very less and the ingredient needed to prepare the recipe is:
- Cold water
- Tea bags
- Boiling water
- Sugar
- Baking soda
The procedure to prepare the sweet tea is: take the large measuring cup to place the tea bag, add boiling water over tea bags and add the baking soda before pouring the water and cover it for 15 minutes and let the bag must be out from the water and add the sugar after the tea is poured in the pitcher and heat the tea until the sugar gets dissolved. Add cold water in the tea and let it cool for sometime by refrigerating the tea and adding the ice cubes or any flavored such as lemon or raspberry while serving it. The sweet tea recipe is made as the healthy drink and you must add excess sugar in the tea which you can drink and it gives more healthy nutrients and vitamins which is good for health. The sweet tea has the capacity to reduce some risk of health issues and it helps in the diet maintaining weight loss, and prevents certain health issues. The sweet ice tea is better than baking soda because it helps to prevent the acidity problem in the body and you can make the sweet tea recipe using various ingredients.